Tuesday, October 31, 2006

hip deep in the steep

she busted me out of jail
today we sit and stood in
the glade of strangers
last time, next to the arm tatood with boobies aside his man-boy
tatooed in poop and f**got hate or something
this morning the woman groping back and forth to keep her eyes open
f**ked up on life
and mabye a little of her husband
stood for the recess
her big wobbly blood stained ass
soaked a smear across the court pew
she slid over to let us in under judges orders
too stoned on death to feel herself
blotted on my wallet pocket
reflexing my throat and eyes
her eyes rolling around the battered wives and DUI
"yes i paid my fines, certianly your honor, stayed out of trouble''
''yes your office is only filled with impoverished maniacs"
to get in the door you just take
your belt off and the lighter out of your pocket
then they flood your brain with mensis
thanks sam
i love you
and this pink flask

1 comment:

Cattails said...

I had to Tone Down the Language Kipper, But I love it